American Board of Clinical Neurological Surgery (ABCNS)
The American Board of Clinical Neurological Surgery (ABCNS) is a committee of the American Federation for Medical Accreditation offering certification to physicians who have demonstrated appropriate education, training, and knowledge (through written and oral examination) related to the specialty of clinical neurological surgery.

American Board of Clinical Neurological Surgery (ABCNS) Board Certification
To ensure effective, safe, and ethical practice in the field of clinical neurological surgery, AFMA provides this specialized accreditation that certifies a practicing clinical neurological surgeon’s education, skills, clinical experience, and behavior.
Our ABCNS certification provides an integral service to hospitals, health systems, and medical groups, as well as to the community of clinical neurological surgeons, patients, and the public, allowing them to make intelligent and informed decisions regarding hiring, selection, and referral to clinical neurological surgeons.
Patients can be assured that an ABCNS board-certified clinical neurological surgeon has the specialized skills, education, clinical experience, and knowledge to practice in the field of clinical neurological surgery.
Complete details on the specific education, training, practice, and credentialing requirements for admission to sit for our ABCNS board certification examinations are available on our Become Certified page. This is where you can learn the requirements and apply for certification.
ABCNS exam
The ABCNS certification examination is divided into two parts:
Part I:
A written examination that tests knowledge in basic science, clinical neuroscience, and the specialty of neurosurgery. The applicant needs to pass the written examination to be eligible for the oral examination. To pass the written examination the applicant needs to have 70 or more percent of correct answers.
The topics covered in the ABCNS certification examination include:
- Anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
- Neuropathology and Neuroimaging
- Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology
- Neurological examination and diagnostic techniques
- Neurological examination and diagnostic techniques
- Surgical techniques and approaches for brain and spinal cord tumors, vascular disorders, trauma, and infection
- Pediatric neurosurgery
- Functional neurosurgery
- Neurotrauma and Critical Care
- Spinal disorders and surgery
- Ethics and medico-legal issues in neurosurgery
It is important to note that the ABCNS certification examination is regularly updated to reflect changes in the field of neurosurgery and new developments in medical knowledge.
Part II:
An oral examination that tests the candidate’s clinical judgment, diagnostic skills, and surgical skills in clinical neurosurgical practice. Examination of a candidate’s knowledge and judgment typically includes questions regarding the diagnostics, management, medical decision making, preoperative evaluation, intraoperative technical and judgmental issues and post-operative management, including treatment of complications.
Our Mission
AFMA ensures that the certifications it offers for the American Board of Clinical Neurological Surgery (ABCNS) Board Certification maintains high standards and appropriate internal policies and practices for the administration of examinations for board certification. AFMA’s American Board of Clinical Neurological Surgery (ABCNS) Board Certification is intended to enhance the boards of other accreditation bodies and add an extra dimension that they may not be able to provide, traditionally or politically.
American Board of Clinical Neurological Surgery (ABCNS) Board Officers

Lucia Zamorano, MD
Chair / President

Jeff Epstein, MD
New York

Raymond Rawson, MD